
Monday 4 April 2011


Final Poster

My Final poster below doesn't have many changes from the one before it but following from my audience feedback I knew that the writing of the actors' names could not be seen well enough through the bright colour of the trees. As the writing did not work in any other colour I quickly darkened the image behind it in photoshop and made the stroke of the names slightly thicker so they stand out more.

Audience feedback for poster

As with the trailer and magazine cover I posted my poster onto facebook to see what people think of it.

Pretty much all of them said the character names can't be seen well enough which I agree with and will change. Other than that they said it looked like a action adventure film due to the sword and the colour purple which is what I wanted to portray.

The tag line "only the past truly knows us," was the most successful element as all said it would make them want to find out more about the film/watch it and its mysterious and interesting.

Final Poster layout

This poster layout is similar to fantasy posters I researched. It has the main character featured and used colours that have connotations connected to the fantasy/adventure genre. The tag line below the title is interesting, relevant to the film and would hopefully grab an audiences attention. The sword does this also and the colours. The white writing of the tag line and date stands out against the purple, as does the red of the title.

Extras to the poster which I felt were needed are the production company and I included the names of the main actors as is done on many other film posters. This is to use any empty spaces and to create a recognisable feature of the film, the actors in it.

Final Poster Pictures

For the image above, which I used as my background for the poster I just added the character image onto the background image and also I added a fantasy sword to show the genre and to make it more interesting to an audience. I did this in Photoshop also and turned her wrist slightly so it fit more with the sword. As well as this I made her lips redder to make them more prominent and her stern expression stand out and I tinged the wall she is leaning on a similar purple to the background so it blends with the entire background image, I put a bit of the tree to overlap the wall for this reason also.
Above is the original picture of the foreground. I wanted it full length so the character filled the page. I used this image because she looks serious but also her stance is very powerful showing some of her character. I got rid of the background so that I could add her to the foreground of the below image.
The two pictures above of the main background went through the most change. The original picture on the left was taken at Portchester Castle which was appropriate to show an old scene and castles are generally stereotypical to fantasy films.
I used the picture because of the path that curves round could have connotations of a past and mystery and there looks to be a dark doorway at the end hidden in shadow which also portrays this.
For the editing I used Photoshop to give the picture its purple colour, purple is a royal colour that can also portray mystery and magic following my fantasy genre. I widened the middle pathway, originally so that I could have the option of putting something between it like another character and I also made it longer so it would fit on the page.

Sunday 27 March 2011

Poster start

These three posters are from fantasy films. I used them and others as research for my own poster. They all feature the main character or a main sub character and contain elements of mystery, most using depth of their images to do this. The 'spiderwick' and 'brother's grimm' posters have rough frame frames in there design which is done using the scenery of the background. I think this makes it look interesting and shows the genre so I will try to use this in the final draft of my poster. The tag lines of these two are also very interesting and make the audience want to know more about the film. Colours are an important part of a poster and with these fantasy ones they use blues, yellows and purples to create mystery and fantasy.

Completed Magazine Cover

This is my completed magazine cover with all the changes in it that had been suggested from my feedback.

I think it works sucessfully as a magazine cover now for the film.

Audience feedback

Here are the comments for my magazine cover:

Most people said it was good and they would read it but I should change the colour of the writing underneath the title of my film to match the colour of the top my character is wearing. they also suggested I should change the picture in the bottom corner to something more interesting.

I was fortunate enough that my aunt sent a picture of my magazine cover to her editor who sent me back some feedback on my magazine cover from a professional point of view. Her comments are as shown below and I changed everything she had suggested, which were mostly gramatical errors, as well as what the public comments on facebook had said.

Magazine Drafts

These are the drafts of my magazine cover which all look fairly similar but have some minor differences: The cover to the left was the first draft. I added a picture from the movie to it and put exclusive cast interview under it to connect the two. The title of the film is the main writing on the magazine cover and I put it on the hand of the character so that it stood out more. The line beneath it tells the reader what the film is and the font is in a fantasy style in keeping with the film genre. Other features are: What else is inside the magazine, to make people want to read it and at the bottom there is a plus main feature of what you can get from the magazine on the centre page. The writing is white to stand out against the black which is made to look like a film strip. The bottom left cover was changed by positioning the picture in the bottom left corner against the black film strip which now has "Exclusive cast interview..." written on it instead. The writing for what is inside the magazine was changed to fit better on her hand but it does not stand out enough. The bottom right magazine cover is the one I got public feedback from. I kept the picture in the same place and made a badge to highlight the "top 10 films as rated by you," I also changed the colours of the text for what is inside the magazine to how I had it originally as it stood out more and now I had the badge it made enough space on the hand for it to all fit.

Magazine cover main layout

This is the start of my magazine cover with the main features added created using InDesign.

  • The title: Flic-king is a play on the word flicking which refers to both flicking through pages in the magazine and also, as flims are sometimes refered to as flicks, it shows what the genre of the magazine is (Movie Magazine) and as a king of flicks it implys to the audience that it is a good magazine and maybe even the best magazine for film news.

  • The top line: "From the red carpet to your front door" is an extra enforcer to the genre and tells the reader what the magazine may contain.

  • The font: The title font is meant to look like a film strip as is fitting with the genre using a font found on The top line is in italics so it looks like its in keeping with the fancy red carpet. The date, price and "Magazine" are all in an easy read font as they do not add to the magazine but are important for it to have.

  • Finally, the image: Nothing was done to change the image as I thought it worked fine on its own. Part of the rose was cut off and coppied using Photoshop so it overlapped the title and was hence made part of the magazine. This is done in many other magazines I researched. The image is not a conventional image for a magazine as it does not engage the audience by using a person's face to connect with them using eye contact but I wanted the gun to be the main draw point and the colour red in the clothes to attract attention and interest.

Monday 31 January 2011

Magazine Cover Start

These are two of the photographs taken to be used as the main image on the magazine front cover. I chose to use the bottom one because the orientation fit a magazine cover without having to crop out parts of it, also because I liked the diagonal formation of the rose and the gun which would look attractive to a potential buyer and give me much space to put additional magazine information such as cover lines and features.

Final Trailer and Feedback

This is the final film trailer. I took the advice from my feedback and got rid of the voiceover which wasn't very easy to understand and replaced it with writing. I then put it on facebook for a final time and the comments were much more possitive. The people who had watched it with the voiceover all said that this version without it is much better and much more interesting as the writing makes you want to find out about the film. They also all said they would want to watch the movie. Here are some of the comments:

Monday 17 January 2011

Public Feedback From Trailer

I put my trailer on facebook to get a public opinion on it, some of the comments are shown below:

Only a few of the comments said that the narrators voice wasn't understandable but mainly they all agreed that the voices at the end were too quiet. I will take on all the feedback from both showings and edit my trailer accordingly.

My reason for choosing to put it on facebook was because my target audience of 18-25 year olds are mainly the ones to typically use facebook and look at things such as film trailers, its is possible to make a page for the film on there that people can like and visit to find out about the film. The social network site easily allows people to post things and it is really simple to comment on a post that I can gain feedbak for on all my products.

Below is the audience feedback for the final trailer (post above not working and wont let me attach picture to the appropriate post):

Class Feedback and Plan

I showed my trailer to the class and the feedback I got was mainly positive. The comments on what didn't work were that the title of the film in the credits need to be on screen for longer which is simple to change.
They also commented that the plot needs to be better explained and it was only understood after watching the trailer the second time. This could be considered good or bad because it would mean that an audience would be interested enough to watch the trailer again and perhaps the film but it would be better to have the plot understood initially so that there is not a lack of interest in the film because the plot is not clear.
I think one of the factors that makes the plot unclear and also another comment made about the trailer is that the narrater at the beginning does not speak clear enough so it can not be heard what he is saying concerning the plot.
To solve this problem I am going to try two different things and see which one is most effective. I could re-record the narration and maybe even use a different person to try and make it clearer and then through doing that I could also change the scripting so the plot is simply understood. Another option I am going to try is using words on a screen to describe the plot in a direct and easy way. I'm hoping that by doing this it will also help the audience know the genre of the film as they said it looked like an action film rather than a dark fantasy. Without special effects I am relying on the plot to carry the idea of the genre.
The positive comments were about the music and how it fits well with the action of the trailer and the feel of the trailer, also that the imagery was very intriguing and would make an audience want to watch it which is a very good thing as that is the purpose of a teaser trailer.

Trailer With Credits

Improved Version

To improve the trailer I changed a few of the editing effects and made the clips shorter so that the trailer is more gripping and interesting to watch and I fitted the music in properly so it matched perfectly to the action. I think I need to make the actor credits shorter again as they are too long and not difficult to read quickly. Also I need to make the voices of the characters at the end louder.

Now I need to add some general credits about the director, producer, etc shown in a previous post.

My Trailer First Draft

The two trailers above are not much different to each other. Their editting are fairly similar but I changed the music in 'Trailer Catts 90 Lives2' to make it match more and be more dramatic in the compilation of scenes in the middle of the trailer. However it still has not worked very well yet and the scenes are too long so make the trailer less interesting to watch.
The feedback I got from it was mainly positive when the viewers were aware that it was only a first draft. I will ask for more feedback on the next version of the trailer so I can have a better idea on what I need to improve on from the viewers.

Monday 10 January 2011

My Trailer Credits

These are the credits I made for my trailer. I overlapped the Credits for the actors names over images of them unlike in The Golden Compass trailer when they had it on a separate screen. I did this so I could introduce the characters and the actors so the audience can recognise them from the trailer. The font is the same like in The Golden Compass.
The clips I used reflect the character like in the George Murphey one it is a very dark image which shows that the character is dark. I did the same when choosing a clip for the other two named actors.
In the general information credits about producer, director and starring I changed the colour of the font and gave it a textured background using photoshop. This made it look more like credits for a fantasy film.