
Sunday 27 March 2011

Magazine Drafts

These are the drafts of my magazine cover which all look fairly similar but have some minor differences: The cover to the left was the first draft. I added a picture from the movie to it and put exclusive cast interview under it to connect the two. The title of the film is the main writing on the magazine cover and I put it on the hand of the character so that it stood out more. The line beneath it tells the reader what the film is and the font is in a fantasy style in keeping with the film genre. Other features are: What else is inside the magazine, to make people want to read it and at the bottom there is a plus main feature of what you can get from the magazine on the centre page. The writing is white to stand out against the black which is made to look like a film strip. The bottom left cover was changed by positioning the picture in the bottom left corner against the black film strip which now has "Exclusive cast interview..." written on it instead. The writing for what is inside the magazine was changed to fit better on her hand but it does not stand out enough. The bottom right magazine cover is the one I got public feedback from. I kept the picture in the same place and made a badge to highlight the "top 10 films as rated by you," I also changed the colours of the text for what is inside the magazine to how I had it originally as it stood out more and now I had the badge it made enough space on the hand for it to all fit.

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