
Monday 4 April 2011

Final Poster Pictures

For the image above, which I used as my background for the poster I just added the character image onto the background image and also I added a fantasy sword to show the genre and to make it more interesting to an audience. I did this in Photoshop also and turned her wrist slightly so it fit more with the sword. As well as this I made her lips redder to make them more prominent and her stern expression stand out and I tinged the wall she is leaning on a similar purple to the background so it blends with the entire background image, I put a bit of the tree to overlap the wall for this reason also.
Above is the original picture of the foreground. I wanted it full length so the character filled the page. I used this image because she looks serious but also her stance is very powerful showing some of her character. I got rid of the background so that I could add her to the foreground of the below image.
The two pictures above of the main background went through the most change. The original picture on the left was taken at Portchester Castle which was appropriate to show an old scene and castles are generally stereotypical to fantasy films.
I used the picture because of the path that curves round could have connotations of a past and mystery and there looks to be a dark doorway at the end hidden in shadow which also portrays this.
For the editing I used Photoshop to give the picture its purple colour, purple is a royal colour that can also portray mystery and magic following my fantasy genre. I widened the middle pathway, originally so that I could have the option of putting something between it like another character and I also made it longer so it would fit on the page.

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