
Monday 1 November 2010

Scene Filmed

This is the scene from the storyboard filmed. Some of the shots were changed as they looked better when I filmed and edited it together.

There are a few problems with it which I will change and then see which version works better:

One of the main problems, is with the colour of the shots. This is because the ones with only the female character in them, had to be filmed at a different time from the ones with both characters in. This caused the ones filmed later in the day to be too dark, compared to the rest. When editing, I tried to compensate for this by adjusting the brightness of all clips. However it didn't work very well so I am going to re-film the dark, grainy shots and make sure the light is better. This would also mean I can use the original brightness of the clips I made darker, which will restore the colours.

Before I decided to re-film these shots I first asked people what they thought of the scene with specific reference to colours and lighting. I got a mixed opinion from this question, some people said that it looked fine how it is because the effect on the colours added to the feel of the scene and genre. Whereas, others said that the scene itself is good but because the clips are all different in colour and lighting, it doesn't work well together but if the colours were all similar it would look better.

Due to the 50/50 response, I have decided to re-film the scene and use the same colour effect by changing the contrast of the clips. This with the re-filming in lighter conditions would mean that all the clips match.

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