
Saturday 30 October 2010

Photographs For Alley Scene

One of the key scenes is the final scene of the trailer because it has to create enough interest for the audience to watch the film, it is the only part which will have diegetic speech and I also want it to portray the relationship between the two main characters, Cattell and Lorcan.
Now that I have draw the storyboard for the scene, I need to find a location that best suits what I want to show in the scene. It needs to be long with walls on either side but also needs to have a good light source that I can use while filming. Synthetic light would be ideal for this and I can darken the parts I need to in post production.

This alleyway looks like a suitable location for the scene, it has much natural light coming through but still has dark corners. The bad points are that it is obviously next to two houses with windows and doors which the residents may object to, I would have to ask their permission before filming. Also it is too arrow to clearly pan enough to see one of the characters at the far end of the alley.
For these reasons I have decided to not use it and to find a better location for the shoot.

This subway would work well for the scene because it is dark but also has lights that come on at night which will create enough light for me to use and darkness at either end of the alley which is the look I was aiming for.
The disadvantages to using an underpass is that most of them are painted which makes the shot too busy and goes against the mood I want.
Also people use them regularly and this could cause problems when trying to film and also when using the gun in the scene, there are laws to having an air softing gun in public, so I would either have to not use the gun which I would rather not do because it is important to the scene, or find a more secluded location. So I am not going to use this location.

This location is the most suited to the trailer scene. It is easy to get to and has much light but doesn't eliminate the dark shadows. It isn't too busy despite the pillars but they add to the look of the scene. It is very atmospheric and I know that no one uses it and walks near it at night.
The only downsides to it is that there is a wall at the end instead of a dark entrance but that is not so important as long as the character can be seen walking into the passageway. It doesn't look as modern as I wanted it to as I wanted it to be clear that this scene is in present day but that can be shown by the clothes the characters are wearing and the gun.
I will film this in the evening when no one is around and will make sure the camera is facing towards the wall so outside cannot be seen.

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