
Monday 4 October 2010

Find a magazine cover for one of the 3 films.

Who does it include, what are the tag lines used and does it follow a consistent theme?

The magazine cover includes the three main characters of the movie. The main protagonist is in the centre of the magazine looking directly at the audience of the magazine to draw them in. The other two characters are important because they are also well known actors which are being used for the marketing of the movie.
The tag lines are underneath the title of the movie, which is in in bold white colours so it stands out, they say "Behind the scenes of this year's fantasy smash!" It tells the audience what type of film it is and how good it is.
The image dominates the cover and looks like part of the title of the magazine. It follows a similar theme to the posters in the way of colours and the glow around the main girl holding the compass.
Also it says "On set exclusive" before the title which makes people want to read this magazine to find out what has been happening and why the film is a "smash!"

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