
Monday 18 October 2010

Movie title and Ideas

The title is appropriate to the movie as it is about a girl who has had as many as 90 live, the main reason for the number is so that the title and consequently the storyline is memorable as it plays on the myth that cats having 9 lives. I simply had to make sure the name of my character fits the idea I was trying to achieve.

General Ideas:

In the trailer I want to focus on Catt, her lives and how remembering everything has had an effect on her.

I plan to have a voice over as the only speaking part except for the end when I will have a small dialogue between Cattell and Lorcán to show their relationship. The voice over will be spoken by the character Catt to set the narrative of the movie.

I want my trailer to be fast paced and emotive but mainly intriguing enough for people to watch it. It would more resemble the Golden Compass teaser trailer because I like the way it makes you want to watch it again to make sure you have seen all the imagery. I think this is a good thing for my trailer to do to get people interested in watching the movie and it reflects the genre and feel of the film.

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