
Tuesday 28 September 2010


Many of the posters for The Golden Compass follow a circular layout which we see regularly in posters for a fantasy film. There are generally more characters in a fantasy film that need to stand out and the layout of the poster give the focus to the main character but also fans out to show other characters that will figure in the movie.

This poster promotes the movie’s cast, as it has well known actors in it such as Daniel Craig and Nicole Kidman, by displaying the cast names along the top of the poster. It also has both these actors behind the main character so they stand out.

It is clearly shown that this poster contains layers as it may also be in the film. The main character is at the front and lit up in a warm and important light which is consistent with the name of the film.

The next layer is not as lit up but appears to be showing up clearly from the glow coming off the first layer. This shows they are less important but still must be recognised in the film.

The third clear layer makes the suggested outline of the circle and also adds a dramatic backdrop to draw the audience in. The final faded layer simple shows the setting of buildings and mountains to give it depth and interest.

There are also other posters that show each individual character to attract interest.

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