
Tuesday 28 September 2010

Trailer Research

Percy Jackson-

Style- It is very modern and simple.

Music- The music is slow then becomes increasingly fast then slow again. It creates an atmosphere of anticipation making the audience want to see what is coming next.

Plot- There is a lack of plot to this trailer which makes it the more conventional teaser. What little information we can guess at is that the boy in the trailer is Percy Jackson and that to get to the city in the clouds you have to go to the empire state building and the city will be important to the movie.

Editing- At the beginning of the trailer there are only fades used and no cuts till near the end of the trailer in accordance to the music tempo when the anticipation is reaching a climax and the action of it is increased.

Graphics- The graphics are shown mainly at the end as with the other trailers and are very modern in style and look realistic.

Five events in the trailer and the questions each raises-

  1. Views of contemporary New York and a taxi pulls up on the street
    • Who is in the taxi and why are they there at night
  2. Boy walking along the corridor of the Empire state building

· Why is he at the empire state building

  1. Gets handed the keys from the security guard

· What are the keys for and why did the guard let him pass unquestioned

  1. The lift moves right to the top of the building lighting up

· Is it going to stop and why is it lighting up

  1. He steps out of the elevator and looks at some Greek style buildings in the clouds.

· Who lives there, why is he there and where is it if it is in the clouds

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