
Sunday 27 March 2011

Poster start

These three posters are from fantasy films. I used them and others as research for my own poster. They all feature the main character or a main sub character and contain elements of mystery, most using depth of their images to do this. The 'spiderwick' and 'brother's grimm' posters have rough frame frames in there design which is done using the scenery of the background. I think this makes it look interesting and shows the genre so I will try to use this in the final draft of my poster. The tag lines of these two are also very interesting and make the audience want to know more about the film. Colours are an important part of a poster and with these fantasy ones they use blues, yellows and purples to create mystery and fantasy.

Completed Magazine Cover

This is my completed magazine cover with all the changes in it that had been suggested from my feedback.

I think it works sucessfully as a magazine cover now for the film.

Audience feedback

Here are the comments for my magazine cover:

Most people said it was good and they would read it but I should change the colour of the writing underneath the title of my film to match the colour of the top my character is wearing. they also suggested I should change the picture in the bottom corner to something more interesting.

I was fortunate enough that my aunt sent a picture of my magazine cover to her editor who sent me back some feedback on my magazine cover from a professional point of view. Her comments are as shown below and I changed everything she had suggested, which were mostly gramatical errors, as well as what the public comments on facebook had said.

Magazine Drafts

These are the drafts of my magazine cover which all look fairly similar but have some minor differences: The cover to the left was the first draft. I added a picture from the movie to it and put exclusive cast interview under it to connect the two. The title of the film is the main writing on the magazine cover and I put it on the hand of the character so that it stood out more. The line beneath it tells the reader what the film is and the font is in a fantasy style in keeping with the film genre. Other features are: What else is inside the magazine, to make people want to read it and at the bottom there is a plus main feature of what you can get from the magazine on the centre page. The writing is white to stand out against the black which is made to look like a film strip. The bottom left cover was changed by positioning the picture in the bottom left corner against the black film strip which now has "Exclusive cast interview..." written on it instead. The writing for what is inside the magazine was changed to fit better on her hand but it does not stand out enough. The bottom right magazine cover is the one I got public feedback from. I kept the picture in the same place and made a badge to highlight the "top 10 films as rated by you," I also changed the colours of the text for what is inside the magazine to how I had it originally as it stood out more and now I had the badge it made enough space on the hand for it to all fit.

Magazine cover main layout

This is the start of my magazine cover with the main features added created using InDesign.

  • The title: Flic-king is a play on the word flicking which refers to both flicking through pages in the magazine and also, as flims are sometimes refered to as flicks, it shows what the genre of the magazine is (Movie Magazine) and as a king of flicks it implys to the audience that it is a good magazine and maybe even the best magazine for film news.

  • The top line: "From the red carpet to your front door" is an extra enforcer to the genre and tells the reader what the magazine may contain.

  • The font: The title font is meant to look like a film strip as is fitting with the genre using a font found on The top line is in italics so it looks like its in keeping with the fancy red carpet. The date, price and "Magazine" are all in an easy read font as they do not add to the magazine but are important for it to have.

  • Finally, the image: Nothing was done to change the image as I thought it worked fine on its own. Part of the rose was cut off and coppied using Photoshop so it overlapped the title and was hence made part of the magazine. This is done in many other magazines I researched. The image is not a conventional image for a magazine as it does not engage the audience by using a person's face to connect with them using eye contact but I wanted the gun to be the main draw point and the colour red in the clothes to attract attention and interest.