
Monday 4 April 2011


Final Poster

My Final poster below doesn't have many changes from the one before it but following from my audience feedback I knew that the writing of the actors' names could not be seen well enough through the bright colour of the trees. As the writing did not work in any other colour I quickly darkened the image behind it in photoshop and made the stroke of the names slightly thicker so they stand out more.

Audience feedback for poster

As with the trailer and magazine cover I posted my poster onto facebook to see what people think of it.

Pretty much all of them said the character names can't be seen well enough which I agree with and will change. Other than that they said it looked like a action adventure film due to the sword and the colour purple which is what I wanted to portray.

The tag line "only the past truly knows us," was the most successful element as all said it would make them want to find out more about the film/watch it and its mysterious and interesting.

Final Poster layout

This poster layout is similar to fantasy posters I researched. It has the main character featured and used colours that have connotations connected to the fantasy/adventure genre. The tag line below the title is interesting, relevant to the film and would hopefully grab an audiences attention. The sword does this also and the colours. The white writing of the tag line and date stands out against the purple, as does the red of the title.

Extras to the poster which I felt were needed are the production company and I included the names of the main actors as is done on many other film posters. This is to use any empty spaces and to create a recognisable feature of the film, the actors in it.

Final Poster Pictures

For the image above, which I used as my background for the poster I just added the character image onto the background image and also I added a fantasy sword to show the genre and to make it more interesting to an audience. I did this in Photoshop also and turned her wrist slightly so it fit more with the sword. As well as this I made her lips redder to make them more prominent and her stern expression stand out and I tinged the wall she is leaning on a similar purple to the background so it blends with the entire background image, I put a bit of the tree to overlap the wall for this reason also.
Above is the original picture of the foreground. I wanted it full length so the character filled the page. I used this image because she looks serious but also her stance is very powerful showing some of her character. I got rid of the background so that I could add her to the foreground of the below image.
The two pictures above of the main background went through the most change. The original picture on the left was taken at Portchester Castle which was appropriate to show an old scene and castles are generally stereotypical to fantasy films.
I used the picture because of the path that curves round could have connotations of a past and mystery and there looks to be a dark doorway at the end hidden in shadow which also portrays this.
For the editing I used Photoshop to give the picture its purple colour, purple is a royal colour that can also portray mystery and magic following my fantasy genre. I widened the middle pathway, originally so that I could have the option of putting something between it like another character and I also made it longer so it would fit on the page.

Sunday 27 March 2011

Poster start

These three posters are from fantasy films. I used them and others as research for my own poster. They all feature the main character or a main sub character and contain elements of mystery, most using depth of their images to do this. The 'spiderwick' and 'brother's grimm' posters have rough frame frames in there design which is done using the scenery of the background. I think this makes it look interesting and shows the genre so I will try to use this in the final draft of my poster. The tag lines of these two are also very interesting and make the audience want to know more about the film. Colours are an important part of a poster and with these fantasy ones they use blues, yellows and purples to create mystery and fantasy.

Completed Magazine Cover

This is my completed magazine cover with all the changes in it that had been suggested from my feedback.

I think it works sucessfully as a magazine cover now for the film.